Monday, May 28, 2012

DAY 8 of the 60 Day Photo Challenge

May 28, 2012
Day 8 of the 60 Day Photo Challenge

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.

 I ALWAYS can get a laugh at this picture.  These are my kids, 6 years ago, at Halloween.  Every year, I let the kids choose what they want to be for Halloween and I do my best to make sure they can do that.  Well...  my children are pretty darn creative, and Ethan wanted to be Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Originally, he wanted to be riding a chicken, but we just could not get that to work.  His outfit was a pain in the neck to make.  I went to 2nd hand stores and had to buy adult sized clothes (for a very small 10 year old) and altered them all to fit him and this is what we got.  And we sprayed his hair white and glued... YES, glued...  cotton balls to his upper lip and chin.  He won a $30 first place prize for it too. 
Briyanna wanted to be a Christmas present...  odd!  Brenna was Alice in Wonderland and Berlyn was Minnie Mouse (both made by me).  And true to my fashion...  I did it all the night night before Halloween. 


  1. So thinking of stealing your idea..Love this 60 day photo challenge but trying to decide if I have enough pics. This was by far, your most creative Halloween moment.

  2. Love the costumes! I think he totally would have rocked the riding chicken thing, lol!
