Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sad, Sad day... My weigh-in weight this morning was freakin' higher than my DAY 1 weigh in!!!  WTF???  I have been having issues tho. Blame that??  So Curt is back on his regular weird shift so we've been staying up late, 2am.  GAG!  But I'd rather do that than me go to bed at midnight and be up at 8 and then have Curt sleeping another 2 hours.  So staying up is the better option.  Only problem...  I get dang hungry staying up that late!  And that is when I get myself into trouble.  All I can think about is how hungry I am and then I talk myself into going out to get something to eat.  I mean..  Jack in the Box is 2 miles away and it is much easier to drive there and get something rather than going down to the frig and getting a yogurt or bottle of water.  Right?  Anyone there with me?  It might just be me.  I'm WEAK!
So this morning at 6:58 am, I ovulated.  Curt and I had an 11 am appointment at the gym for fitness assessments.  I knew that this wasn't going to be a pleasant thing.  When I ovulate I can describe it in 2 ways.  #1.) It's like someone shoving dull knitting needles up my who-ha and attempting to rip my ovaries out. or... #2.) labor with no breaks between contractions.  And if your a guy...  you'll never understand.  Awful!  So we go to this appointment.  My baby making box is killing me!  I'm bloated and gassy.  There is pressure that feels like a massive BM but its only pressure.  My blood pressure was through the roof, guessing due to pain.  I've never had blood pressure that high.  But we both made it through the assessment tests.  Neither were great, but neither one of us were expecting anything great.  For the most part, we took the tests to see how much we can improve in 6 months.

We've been doing really well with going to the gym this week.  We didn't work out this morning after our tests.  Curt was groggy all day long, and I felt like crap.  But after he went to work, I worked and got quite a bit done and then went to the gym.  I got my weights in, did 6 laps on the track and 45 minutes on the bike.  And afterwards, I felt FANTASTIC!  I need a better sports bra.  No need to go more into that.  Just need one.

I went thru one freezer to see what I have to work with for the next several days.  I found a whole turkey, a whole chicken, several pounds of ground beef, ground chicken and a lot of chicken breasts.  We're set for a few weeks, I think.  Now to just make up a menu.  I just wish I wasn't craving Big Macs.  Those things are NASTY!  Why do I want them so bad?

egg and bacon or sausage burritos
asparagus and grilled chicken
C: taco salad, cheese, pork and yogurt
J: pico de gallo, progresso soup
that is something I need to keep better track of.  I've had several bottles of water and some diet Pepsi

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