Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A quick entry before bed.  This morning's weigh in was good for both of us. Curt hit an all new low, with a grand total of 75.4 lbs lost. And I hit my same low as before, totally 26.6 lbs. I hope for a new low tomorrow and possibly hit 2 stones list by Monday morning.  Its amazing what happens on the scales when you follow the diet closely and cut alcohol out of the mix. I'm dreading numbers when we get home from the trip. I'm hoping that we put in enough walking or a workout enough to even out the not so perfect eating. 2 more days of behaving, then off we go!


  1. Hey sweetie, I nominated you for The Very Inspirational Blogger Award! :)


    AKA Dukan Dietress
