Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Well...  it's been an interesting few weeks.  We are leaving on vacation in 5 days.  I'm a little excited. A little nervous.  I know staying on the diet when you have to eat out nearly every meal is going to be rather difficult.  So, to recap, we both had goals we wanted to reach.  We both fell drastically short.  I have to say tho, I know what my problem was.  I was still not really cutting out the alcohol as much I a really should be.  But...  I think I have solved that problem.  We went to a Nickelback concert last Wednesday.  Curt's friend bought me 2 double shot screw drivers.  Let's just leave it at this..  I don't even remember Nickelback coming on to the stage, I have bruises all over my body (I'm lucky I don't have a broken nose) that only God knows how I got them, I have no idea how I got to the car, I woke up in my underwear, and I found vomit in the drive way in the morning.  Curt took care of me.  And he still loves me after that. I did have 2 vodka and 7ups on Saturday night that I nursed for 6 hours.  My daughter and I spent 2 days spraying weeds in the mountains (that's another story) and my back, hips, knees and ankles were killing me and had no meds on me.  But since then, nothing.  And I plan on keeping it that way.  And maybe that will help the weight come off a little easier now.   After we get back from Virginia, we plan on going gung-ho on eating and working out.  I'm looking forward to it. 
We've been going over to my brother's house helping them clean it up to move back in.  My brother was married to his wife for 23 years and just got divorced a few weeks ago.  They were separated for a long time and he could not get her out of that house.  The house was the house my dad grew up in and he sold it to my brother several years ago.  Well...  thank God my brother doesn't read his blog, but his wife was an atrocious house keeper.  Seriously, if you've seen Hoarders on A&E, you've seen their house.  Anyhow, my brother's (pregnant) girlfriend is a trooper and is doing a ton of work on that house.  My kids have been going over for their school community service hours.  We've been painting walls and cleaning (and I mean CLEANING) my nephew's room.  So we've been getting in a work out of some sort!


  1. Well sometimes it's an episode like that which will make you willing to change. I remember in my 20's going to Stevie Wonder concert that I can't remember. I even lost my wallet at the stadium, and some nice person had turned it in, with all the money still in it! For me the turning point was an alcoholic boyfriend. I cut off my drinking to stop enabling him. I still drink occasionally (wine/beer), but I don't like feeling drunk and out of control, and I definitely don't like the way I feel the next morning, or the fact that I can't sleep well!

  2. I'll be honest, cutting out drinking has been so tough for me, not because I love alcohol, but because I feel the social pressure to drink absolutely EVERY time I go out. Every single damn time. I tell people I'm the DD and still, even the bartenders try to get me to drink. I'm like 'Uh hello? I'm DD? Isn't it illegal for you to get me to drink?'

    Good luck cutting down or out, social pressure sucks, but alcohol is so full of sugar :( Very bad for weight loss.

    Have fun on your vaca! You deserve it ;)

    Also, I changed to Wordpress. I see you still have Dukan Dietress on your sidebar, but unfortunately that chapter of my life has closed. Check out my new blog! It's very much the same, just a different location.

    AKA Dukan Dietress
