Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

Just a quick update...  We're planning on starting back up on Dukan on Monday, January 14th instead of January 26th.  The reason...  I think that Curt is tired of listening to me gripe about not eating good and not working out!  Maybe not, but last night he said, let's just start now.  Well..  after a football weekend.  I'm so freakin' excited.  I have felt like CRAP for weeks because of the crap we've been eating.  So I'll start posting on a regular basis on Monday.


  1. Hello, defo start earlier rather than later and if you cheat, dont start again the next monday, start straight after the cheat! i swear its the only way! happy new year!

  2. You CAN DuKAN :)
    Look forward to the updates. Miss your posts!!
