Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012- Day 29

Friday, March 2, 2012
Day 29

CURT:  LOSS: 0.4 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 53.8 lbs
JAMIE: GAIN: 0.6 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 21.0 lbs

C and J: omelets
J: 20 oz. skinny mocha from Starbucks

C and J: Vietnamese stir fry w/ a very small amount of white rice

C: Cobb Salad w/ cilantro lime dressing
J: cilantro lime chicken and broccoli

10pm snack:
C: left over chicken wings and 100 calorie Starbucks coffee
J: FF strawberry shortcake yogurt and 100 calorie Starbucks coffee

C: 3 quarts water, 24 oz diet Pepsi
J: 5 quarts water, 32 oz diet Pepsi

I got myself a new toy today!!

I'm a little excited!  So today, we went to a pawn shop looking for a used stereo system and this is the only thing I saw!  I was hooked!  We offered them $750 for it and it was mine!  It is a 2006 with only 59 miles on it!  I think I put 5 miles on it this afternoon just driving around the block, trying to get used to it.  Now, motorcycle school and then.. I can drive it. IN PUBLIC!  And as we came home from getting it, we noticed that gas prices raised another 10 cents today!  All the more reason to get it.  My Durangro is a freakin' gas hog, so when I just need to make quick runs, it will be perfect!

Once again, Curt has a new low! So proud of him!  He's been working so hard, and we've been eating out quite a bit, but practicing good food choices.  This afternoon, we went to a little antique mall and had lunch at, seriously... a hole in the wall Vietnamese restaurant.  It was cute, and very, very tasty!  I'm not sure I would eat there again, but it really was good. 

Boob watch:  Went tanning.  Anything that was white is so burned right now.  Anyhow...  The tanning girl asked me if I wanted to go higher than 8 minutes and my reply was, "HECK NO!  I had a boob job 2 weeks ago, and they hurt worse from the sun burn than the surgery!"  And that is the absolute truth!  I'm not saying I'm going to do it, but I think that I could start lifting weighs again.   I feel fantastic now.  The first week and a half sucked (mostly because it was difficult finding a comfortable position to sleep and therefore, lacked in the sleeping department), but last Friday, I turned a corner for the better and can't tell you the difference.  I had no desire to go on this Vegas trip until Friday.  I felt horrible because Curt was (still is!) so excited about it, and I just kinda had this "BLAH" attitude about it.  But I'm excited now!  10 days and counting...

On another note...  I'm thinking of starting another blog.  Not remotely related to this one at all.  I LOVE tattoos and I have a fantastic camera.  I'm thinking of combining the two.  If I do, I will keep you posted!


  1. I love it! You two are really unstoppable. Fantastic weight losses and a great attitude to life, "seize the day!" Jamie you look great on that motorcycle! Skinny legs or what!?!? Congrats!!!! Glad you're feeling much better now xoxo

  2. Thanks on the "skinny legs" comment! It's really amazing what a pair of skinny jeans does for ya, but legs haven't really been my problem area. My darn belly is haunting me!

  3. Great motorcycle!!! And I agree with Sonia's skinny legs comment ... you look great on that cycle! :-)
