Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 15, 2012.... Still in Vegas

We're sitting here in Vegas, on a tour bus, waiting to head out to the Grand Canyon.  We had big plans for yesterday, but as we walked into our hotel to check in, we were stopped to get cheaper tickets by going and listening to a timeshare presentation.  Well, 6 hours later, and a couple thousand dollars poorer, we are proud new "owners" of property on Las Vegas Blvd, which normally runs about 30 million dollars an acre.  Plus we got a free Caribbean cruise out of the deal.  Anyways, we are pretty excited at the idea of traveling more.  And with our family trip coming up this summer, its going to dramatically start paying for itself.  AND... Because I used to work for the state of Idaho, we got a deal that we seriously couldn't refuse.

So i'm feeling much better than I did the day we arrived. I'm not sure how much details I should give here, but... We're all friends, right?  Traveling makes me nervous to say the least. So 3 laxatives later...  I'm feeling MUCH better. something I realized about this diet, now that we're not following it super close for the week, my body isn't too hot on new food.  My stomach goes into "abort, abort" mode when processed or fried food enter it.

I am somewhat shocked by the different culture here. It almost seems like we're in a different country. People walk around everywhere, carrying their bottles of alcohol. I'm going to have too take a picture off that and post it later.  Anyhow, back home, we have this little "open container" law that will get you arrested if you are walking around with your drink of choice.  Yesterday morning, we got up and were walking around, blown away by everyone drinking at 10 in the morning.  And the smoking.... Amazing! Everyone smokes, anywhere they want. Just not used to it. 

1 comment:

  1. How fab!!! A property and free cruise! Sounds awesome.....

    You're not on your own. I have heard alot of people mention about feeling unwell when they reintroduce different foods into their diet. I was reading another blog and a woman chose to have an Indian curry for her first celebration meal / first day off cruise, and she was super unwell!!!! When I started Dukan, my hubby did it too for a few weeks to lose a little weight, when he finished he couldnt eat greasy foods (roast potatoes particularly) without unpleasant results... He's fine now though, I think your body becomes sensitive, especially to fat.

    Glad you're having a great time, enjoy the Grand Canyon xoxo
