Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

So....  I've been having a pretty bad day.  To the point of shutting down again.... Don't read this if my potty mouth is going to offend you. 

This morning started out well.  We got up, had a decent omelet breakfast, went to church.  When we got home, my parents were sitting in my drive way.  My mom was actually on her knees, in her Sunday best, weeding my flower beds.  I was instantly irritated.  But...  that is really beside the point.  She got up and handed me something she found in the flower beds:
In case you can't read that, it says "Still watching you!!"

At first, I kind of thought, what the hell??  But then I looked a little harder, and I recognize that writing.  That is totally my ex-husband's "g" on the word "watching."  I have since this time, called the county sheriff's and was told I have to go through the city police.  I'll go over this briefly again.  My ex-husband's brother is a city police officer and ANY time I do anything, my ex knows everything before I even hang up the phone.  I don't necessarily want to file charges on him, but I do want them aware that there is a problem.  And if I call and they go talk to him, he'll be pissed and I need to be on his good side for a couple more weeks.  But...  I would love to write a not back and throw it into his front yard that says, "Get a fucking backbone, quit hiding behind your fucking brother, and face me like a man!!"  He's getting remarried next week (according to my children).  I feel sorry for her.

Then...  my mother....  It's not a secret on here that I often don't get along with her.  She thinks she's perfect.  And no....  I'm not exaggerating.  She has actually said that out loud!  Anyhow...  I made a comment about how Briyanna (my 14 year old) takes that sizes off her shirts and sticks them to the wall.  I said something about her showing off that she's an XS and then stuck my tongue out at the stickers.  And my mom went off on me.  She said that I used to tell her all the time that she was fat and that she by no means was, not near as big as I am now. And then told me that she's pretty darn sure that I weigh more than she does now.  Well...  bitch who is 5 inches shorter than me...  no fucking surprise that I weigh more than you!  And seriously...  I don't remember every telling my mom that she was fat, and if I did, it was no more than once, and definitely not all the time.  But I do remember...  my mom wore "mom jeans."  You know... those puffy waisted pants that flatter NO ONE!  I probably made a comment about the pants!!  Anyways...  I was a little floored at the verbal assault from her.  I was actually beyond a little pissed and almost told her to get her ass out of my house.  But instead, I told her that at least I'm in better shape now than she is.  And she retorted with a "well, I'm 65, I should hope so."  I wanted to say, "Yeah???  A 65 year old should know the old saying, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!"  But instead, I sadly said, "I'm in better shape now that you ever have been, mom."  I know...  I shouldn't have been that mean.  It's not really a stretch of truth either, but crap....  I can't just let her keep walking all over me and not stand up for myself.  All I thought afterwards for a couple of hours was, "I'll teach that bitch... I'll starve myself and workout til I'm 130 lbs again!"  And then I realized...  I can't let her get under my skin like that and turn myself into an anorexic.  So, I'm going to put her back at arms length.  Again.  I just can't do this dance with her.  


  1. Sorry about the drama with your Ex. "Moms" are good for that kind of behavior. I'm sorry about that going on too. My mom brings up stories in the news about things that could not ever remotely happen to me, that are parenting related and then gives me the side eye. I understand and I can relate with the frustration level on that issue. You are fine just the way you are.

  2. Sending you lots of hugs. Scary stuff with the ex! Can you go to the State police? I think it's a good idea to keep your mom at arms length... She's toxic. It's okay not to speak with her. xoxo

  3. My kids call me fat and it's simply because I'm bigger than them... I don't think kids do it to be mean to their parents (I'm def not fat anymore) so the fact your mum brings it up is a little immature. Sorry to hear about things with your ex... freaky.
