Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012

Today's weight:  161.0 lbs
Yesterday's weight: 161.8 lbs
Lowest weight (6/24/12): 152.6 lbs
Highest weight on diet (8/22/11): 180.2 lbs
2 days no beer

Total loss to date: 76 lbs

Well....  I guess at least the weight it down.  I hate seeing the 160's.  It has been MONTHS since I was that high, and now I'm there and can't seem to get out of it.  But this shows me that I can't go back to the way that I was eating because I will be right back to where I was.  Frustrating considering that I used to eat EVERYTHING whenever I wanted and didn't weigh a pound over 105 lbs.  I know...  I've had this conversation over and over in my mind again.  105 lbs isn't a healthy weight, and that is no where near the weight I'm aiming for.  I'm just reminiscing about my skinny days.  Sigh...  I digress.

Today we woke up about 9:30 a.m.  My dad invited Curt and I to a free steak lunch that started at 11 a.m. at a place where he buys weed sprayers (he is a licensed weed technician...  yes...  for reals).  Pass up a free meal?  Hell no!  Plus they had door prizes.  I won a collapsible cooler, and Curt won a hat full of little trinkets.  So...  we might have misbehaved just a little bit.  We had the steak, no potato chips, no dinner rolls and butter, but we had a small spoonful (well..  mine was) of potato salad and a small scoop of homemade chili (that was TO DIE FOR, by the way!).  There was also grilled onions.  We both got a scoop of that, but I didn't eat mine because the butter was literally soaking through my plate from them.  Curt, on the other hand, was naughty.  And we got a little exercise chasing around my new nieces.  They are a handful, but adorable.  That whole thing is another story any itself and one of these days, I'm going to have to write that out just to get a bunch of stuff off my chest. 

Dinner was FANTASTIC!  We've got lots of zucchini and I've been loving using them.  I love summer and fresh veggies!

BBQ hamburgers wrapped in lettuce with toppings
green salad
grilled zucchini slices
I used pam instead of olive oil

Evening snack:
handful of peanuts (been craving those since the Virginia trip)

J: chest and back P90X

1 comment:

  1. Mmm I'm such a big fan of zucchini. I have been fluctuating between 152 pounds and 168 pounds for like 2 weeks now... it's really weird but every time I see anything in the 160s I PANIC, the scale can be SO SCARY sometimes! :0

    When you are ready to let it all off your chest, you know where to find us ;)

    Make good choices today!
