Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Serious Sock injury...

How stinkin' lame! This really is the strangest thing.  I have socks that I love.  And I mean LOVE!  They are the socks that I freak out on my kids when I see them wearing them.  They are thick and very comfortable.  They are my DC brand socks.  I absolutely love them and wear them every single day.  I would guess I have close to 15 pairs of them.  Maybe more.  Well...  The DC logo on the top of the foot is the same "sock fabric" but it is thicker than normal and has alot of string and seams on the inside on my foot.  Well, it's no secret that I have a horrible issue with swelling in my right lower leg, ankle and foot due to the car vs bike incident of 2005 (I being the bike rider).  About 3 p.m. every day, that foot becomes a purple and red puff ball.  A few days ago I noticed that I was particularly more swollen than usual, but I had been on my feet most of the day and then that evening, we were weak and had Chinese food.  Hello Sodium! And thus even more swelling.  So there I am...  pretty swollen and still wearing my workout shoes.  I actually wear shoes from the moment I wake up til the time I hit the hay at night.  I would put on my shoes before I put on my underwear if it wasn't weird.  This particular evening, I was dying and took off my shoe (GASP!!) while watching tv and I realized that there was an issue.  It wasn't until the next morning that I went to put on my shoes and socks that there was AN ISSUE.  Is it possible for my sock to break my foot?  Ok, ok... that's a bit extreme, but there is quite a bit of tenderness and bruising.  Of course..  not enough to keep me out of shoes and socks, but I'm cutting back on the DC socks for a little while. 

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