Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

CURT:  LOSS: 0.4 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 64.8 lbs
JAMIE: LOSS: 1.2 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 25.0 lbs

Late Breakfast:
C and J: scrambled egg muffins, skinny mochas

Late Lunch:
C: leftover meatloaf
J: pork roast

C and J: steak and asparagus


J: worked out with kids in the backyard

Curt has been down several days in a row and had all time lows 2 days in a row.  YAY!  And I've been down consistently the past few days and am very close to a new low.  I've been in lots of pain this evening, very sharp pains in my lower abdomen.  It feels like a sharp knife.  I'm hoping I'm just gassy or something.    

I weighed Brenna in this morning, and she is down 2.5 lbs. since she started a week and a half ago.  Somewhat shocking considering she was at her dad's the past 6 days and her dad said he didn't give a crap about her diet, health, exercise.  Quite pathetic, if you ask me.  Who doesn't want their kids to be healthy?  The man who's ex-wife is the one organizing it, that's who.  Whatever...  my goal in this is that I have 8 days every two weeks to pound healthy eating habits into that kid's head, and it may not happen this week or the next, but eventually, she'll get it. 

As far as the crap that happened yesterday, we're still in the same boat.  CPS went to Ethan's school to interview him this morning.  I haven't heard anything about it though.  I called my lawyer and he is appalled that the police did nothing.  He told me to go to the courthouse and get an order of protection (AKA restraining order).  I'll be honest.  I'm really nervous about all of this.  I understand that Ethan hates it over there and that their dad is mean, but when I start ruffling his feathers, it's going to get bad and only worse.  I'm worried about retaliation.  I'm hoping CPS or the detectives step up and do something here so I personally don't have to.  And then there are my parents.  My mother, specifically...  She's been calling the cops, the school.  She's down right harassing them and sticking her nose a little too much into this.  She called me today, yelling at me, telling me I'm not doing enough, I'm not doing this right, etc.  UGH!!!  I'm doing all I can.  There is a certain chain of command that I need to follow.  She's stressing me out almost worse than the whole situation itself.  So I made the decision today to quit answering her phone calls.  I'll keep her updated via emails, but I'm not putting myself in a vocal dispute again.  I talked to my dad and told him she needs to back off because it's stressing me out.  Every time I get antsy about this, I end up on the toilet for quite some time.

We're supposed to be going out of town on Friday evening for a couple of days to the Oregon coast.  I'm hoping that things aren't all crazy so we can get out of town.  I think that we all need a break from all of this.

1 comment:

  1. Can't imagine why you're having sharp abdominal pains, Jamie :(

    I hope things get straightened out. It is CPS's job to investigate and do the right thing. I hope that they do!

    Sending hugs xxx
